New Cairo


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Art & Craft

In kindergarten art and crafts are used to help children learn about color shape line and texture.

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Physical Education

Kindergarten represents the initial stage of education, as it is characterized by kindness in treating and guiding childhood.

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IQ Development

The average IQ scores for children have been rising for the past few decades.

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Meals are essential for building babies, especially in the early ages

Video Room

Video Room

it provide a safe space for children to play and explore.

Garden games

Garden games

Garden games are a great way to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends.

Montosori Curriculumfor preshcool

Montosori Curriculumfor preshcool

The Montessori curriculum is designed to encourage independence creativity and natural curiosity in young children.

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Qualification to pass the school interview

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as the requirements for passing a school interview vary depending on the school in question

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Enrollment Is Now Going On

You can now reserve your child's seat by filling out the form on the home page or on the contact us page, you can also through our conversation on Messenger or WhatsApp.

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