What age is best to send a child to nursery? Unfortunately, there is no obvious answer to this issue. Instead, you must examine a variety of crucial elements, such as scientific findings, official government guidance, and, most importantly, your family’s circumstances and your child’s specific requirements and development.
What age is best to send a child to nursery?
About What age is best to send a child to the nursery school? We see that:
The number of babies in nurseries under the age of one year has increased dramatically.
And a big part of this is due to women feeling pressured to return to work sooner.
The financial and career pressure to return to work is apparent, especially with:
- Introducing a part-time job
- Freelance work
- Contract work
- Flextime
However, many parents are made to feel terrible if they return to work early in their children’s lives.
And enroll them in the nursery, making it a no-win situation.
However, you might find it comforting to know that a government-funded study from 2010:
Discovered that 30% of the children studied began in some EYFS care outside the parental home before their second birthday.
Another 31% started between the ages of 2 and 3, 27% when they were over 3.
And only 3% when they were above the age of 4. Whatever your situation, there are solutions available to you.
What are your choices?
What age is best to send a child to the nursery? And What is your alternatives if you want or need to return to work?
Between the ages of 0 and 1, babies
Some nurseries accept babies as early as three months old.
However, the youngest babies typically begin nursery when they are three months old.
If your kid needs to go to nursery at this age, be sure the facility you pick has expertise with infants and meets specific regulatory requirements.
For example, there are suggested ratios for the number of children to adults: one adult for every three babies aged 0-2 years.
preschool age: An age between 1 and 2
In 1981, just around a quarter of women returned to work after having a child; now, it’s just over three-quarters.
According to a study, children who join the nursery after staying at home from birth exhibit significant stress levels during the first few weeks of separation from their parents.
According to a Cambridge University research, children’s stories of the stress hormone cortisol increased over the first nine days.
without their mother present compared to their pre-nursery levels.
Even though the children seemed comfortable and happy in a nursery, the levels reduced but remained higher five months later.
However, the study’s authors concluded that this did not imply that nursery school was harmful to children of this age.
They concluded that youngsters require extra time.
And attention when they come home to regain emotional equilibrium in preparation for the following day.
This demonstrates the importance of finding a nursery school for your kid with:
Procedures to reduce the stress that toddlers suffer while transferring from home care to daycare.
What age is best to send a child to nursery? Three and over
While most children begin nursery before the age of 3 because of that nursery age range.
It does not imply that your child must attend nursery or that they must attend at all.
Many children are cared for at home until they are ready to start primary school, aged four or over.
However, parents often choose to send their children to daycare at this age.
Because from the first school term after their children’s third birthday.
Parents are eligible for at least ten hours of free preschool nursery school each week, funded by the government.
Is there a simple solution?
There isn’t, in the end. Putting your child in nursery, no matter what age you choose to do it at, or if you decide to do it, maybe tricky.
About What age is best to send a child to nursery? Whatever age they start nursery.
There will be benefits and drawbacks; nevertheless, it’s vital to realize they generally balance out.
Whatever you choose, there are many alternatives available, and you should always ask questions that a reputable nursery would gladly answer.
What Are the Advantages of Enrolling Your Child in Nursery School?
Learn about the benefits of this by looking at the following paragraphs:
Nursery school helps your child become ready for school
Nursery teaches youngsters how to interact with adults and learn in a structured atmosphere.
This atmosphere encourages youngsters to learn skills in preschool age such as when to ask to use the restroom and how to wash their hands.
Children will also learn to share and take turns without throwing a tantrum.
Nursery aids in the development of social skills in youngsters
After we found out what age is best to send a child to nursery? We have to look at this fantastic nursery feature for the baby.
It is critical for your child’s growth to interact with other children.
Before kids start school, going to nursery helps children develop social skills and learn how to make friends.
If both school and nursery are close to your house, they may already have some friends, which will make it easier for them to adjust.
Nursery is also beneficial to parents
Nursery practitioners will be able to provide the finest possible care for your children.
At the same time, you go about your business as a parent, whether that is going to work, grocery shopping, or simply taking a well-deserved break.
Professionals can also provide guidance and comments on your child’s growth.
About What age is best to send a child to nursery?
Choosing the appropriate age to send your kid to the nursery is a highly personal decision based on:
When you need to return to work and what you believe is best for your child.
The essential thing to remember is that you do not have to feel guilty, regardless of your child’s age.
Your kid will be well cared for and develop pleasantly and healthily if you select a decent nursery.